Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. We consider all information shared by our customers and potential customers to be confidential.  We respect your right to privacy and will never disclose, sell or share your personal information.

Information We Collect

This applies to all information collected or submitted on our website, phone, electronic or standard mail.

  • Requests for estimate/quote on our website: personal information collected on these pages may include: name, address, phone number, email address and how you heard about us.
  • After project completion we request feedback or reviews about your satisfaction with our services. We may also ask if we can use you as a reference for potential customers.
  • We do not collect credit card information online. Payment information is not kept on file and destroyed immediately upon processing.

How We Use  Information (We do not share this information with outside parties).

  • We use the information you provide when you request an estimate/quote, schedule a consult or contract work.
  • We use the contact information you provide to answer your requests.
  • Upon your approval we may post comments, reviews or written accolades you provide regarding our services on our website. We will not use your full name.
  • We never use or share your personal information provided to us in any other way than described above, nor will we ever without providing you an opportunity to opt-out.


Contact Lonestar Masonry Repair

Please tell us about your project and be sure to include the property address and contact number. We will contact you shortly. Also, you can give us a call and talk to someone now 817-709-6834
